1. ЦОЭ


2. Тест фрагментации ДНК сперматозоидов


3. Тест на определение оксидативного стресса или активных форм кислорода в эякулята


4. Андрофлор (расширенный, осадок эякулята)

5. Скрининг ВПЧ ВКР


6. Спермограмма


7. Диагностика репродуктивного здоровья мужчины (расширенная): эякулят и осадок эякулята (спермограмма, ЦОЭ, ГалоТест (фрагментация ДНК), Оксидативный стресс (АФК), Андрофлор, ВПЧ ВКР)


8. Диагностика репродуктивного здоровья мужчины (расширенная #2): эякулят и осадок эякулята (спермограмма, ЦОЭ, ГалоТест (фрагментация ДНК), Оксидативный стресс (АФК), Андрофлор, ВПЧ ВКР, посев с определением чувствительности к антибиотикам)


9. Диагностика репродуктивного здоровья мужчины (скрининг): эякулят (спермограмма, ЦОЭ, ГалоТест (фрагментация ДНК), Оксидативный стресс (АФК))

This text should be replaced with information about you and you...

This text should be replaced with information about you and you...

This text should be replaced with information about you and you...

Алекс Диллингер

Барбара Санта

Дэйв Вилльсон

Наша Команда

International Cytology School (ICS) - it is platform for education and communication worldwide of specialists whose professional priorities are cytology and clinical microscopy.
Mission - is creating professional personality on the best international heritage and novel insights from clinical practice.

ICS Innovation:

Encourage of audience and attendance to Life Long Learning/LLL

  • Gratis abroad training courses 
  • Preferentional education for apprentice (beginner)
  • Preferentional education for regular audience&attendance

Encourage of  Faculty

  • Preferentional participation in conference and congresse 
  • Opportunity to be an exclusive speaker

Encourage of  Expert-Cytologists

  • Opportunity to be a member of our Team


E -  /is for Engage/attract audience to the lesson for enjoy working together.
S - /is for Study/focus on the most important aspects of education programs, respecting to the past, reforcementand and consolidation new one.
A -  /is for Activate/ ‘study is not for study’ but for tacking a right professional decision on the way to diagnosis,  holding a correct professional communication in format "cytologist-physician"; motivation to LLL.

Start of educational activity of ICS - May 7th, 2019 International Cytology School obtained the official doc - Educational License №040059 .

Director and senior lectuer of ICS   -  Zhanna Sapozhkova, MD,PhD, Member of International Academy of Cytology/MIAC, master in cross-culture communication, author and copyright holder of  PATENT (RUS) 'Sperm Sediment Cytology'.

ICS Faculty - they are an established Key Opinion Leaders/KOL.

Zhanna Y Sapozhkova

Первая научно-практическая конференция с международным участием, приуроченная к двухлетию Международной Школы Цитологии: как это было.


До встречи на 2-ой научно-практической конференции, посвященной 3-х летию Школы




Начало с биенале, потом — каждый год!

Сапожкова Жанна Юрьевна

руководитель проекта

1-ый день конференции  

2-ой день конференции

До встречи на II научно-практической конференции, посвященной 3-х летию Школы


(дата и место проведения будет обьявлена в ноябре)




This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932

10, 20, 40 или 50


Готовый набор



В России



ГалоСперм Л&К



This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932


This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932


This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932


This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932


This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932


This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932


This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932


This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932


This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932


This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932


This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932


This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932


This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932


This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932


This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932


This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932


This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932


This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932


This school owns the scientific ideology oh the first in the world (© 2 726207) kit for human semen examination 'gemstandart-semen analyse'  (s-petersburg, llc gemstandart, russia)
№РЗН 2021/13931 from 06.04.2021


Exclusive right to sell the Kit: LLC Company L & K, Moscow, Russia: lifeendquality@gmail.com  тел. +74993982097, +79267610932